Teachers offered tape so that the children could post their art independently. Who thought tape could be such fun?
The children started putting tape on the walls and the fence. Teacher Everett asked them what their plan was. The children spent time working as a team on this for 30 minutes until they ran out of tape. They had discussions about who put up each color. Since they had to clean up the tape anyway, they made shapes out of the tape.
Measures: Attention maintenance, curiosity and initiative, engagement and persistence, shared use of space and materials, social and emotional understanding, relationships and social interactions with peers, understanding of language, responsiveness to language, communication and use of language, Reciprocal communication and conversation, Spatial Relationships, classification, measurement, patterning, cause and effect, inquiry through observation, perceptual motor skills and movement concepts, gross motor manipulative, fine motor manipulative, safety, conflict negotiation, responsible conduct as a group member, and visual art.