While babies start out completely dependent, they don’t stay that way for long! As they establish a sense of trust in the world around them, they will establish a little independence by venturing out to explore their environment. With caregiving support, every day play facilitates lessons in resolving conflict, development of social and emotional skills, language and communication skills, coordination and physical development, self-awareness, and a positive self-esteem that grows from their ever-increasing desire to do things for themselves.
Creating child-centered learning environments filled with engagement, exploration, and enthusiasm.
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Nothing to do on a rainy day? Letting water lead the lesson, we took out the watercolors and let the children enjoy a sensory experience!
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Teachers offered tape so that the children could post their art independently. Who thought tape could be such fun?
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Remembering a previous music activity, the children got the drums out and just laughed as they played.
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