This is such an interesting season. End of summer heat waves. Cool crisp mornings. Back to school with new routines. Pumpkin spice everywhere you look!
Fall is coming and that means change. Change can be challenging. As a parent, life is a continuous change as we help our little people grow and develop.
Change can be hard. I remember when I was struggling to get my 4-year-old to potty train. Some days she’d say, just let me wear the pull ups! It seemed to never end. But my days of pull ups are long gone, now my nine-year-old is turning into a tweenager and testing all the boundaries. So much like the two-year-old tests and tantrums. Every stage has its challenges, and they pass, I haven’t thought of pull ups in a long time. If your current season feels overwhelming, we have resources that can help! Talk to your FranDelJA team – your teacher or site supervisor (as sometimes we just need someone to talk to). Or they can help you connect with those who can help with your specific needs.
FranDelJA has had a few recent seasons of change. Our beloved co-founders Sandra and Gladys retired, then Gladys passed away. We moved out of our 20-year site, combining the teams and families to one site at Fairfax. We joyfully celebrated graduation and welcomed new children to start in our care!
We are headed into another season of change. FranDelJA Enrichment Center Board of Directors is pleased to announce the purchase of a building to become a new childcare center! Located at the corner of Ingles and Oakdale, the center will continue to serve the families and community of Bayview Hunters Point. This season will take some time, from design to permits to construction this will feel like forever (like potty training). But we will celebrate at completion, the struggles will become memories, and a new season will begin again -when we can celebrate graduations and welcome new families to FranDelJA!
Tracy List
Executive Director
FranDelJA Enrichment Center